Friday, March 25, 2011


Ominous Review - 3/25/11

Ominous is about a troubled mother and father who are having relationship problems which directly affect the children. To get some much needed time away to repair some family issues. The family vacations to a newly rebuilt cabin in the woods which was the mothers child hood home. Through out the movie haunting images and paranormal attacks take place which have a direct link with the mothers forgotten past.

I personally have to give a hand out to the folks at Dark Water Productions who made this movie especially on such a small budget the film had its charms along with its own originality. I could only imagine what this small but mighty production company can achieve through better investors or a higher budget at least they have originality in story line which is especially a rarest of the gems of low budget films. As we all know most low-budget or micro budget films I should say have a lack of originality and usually showcase the originals of sex, drugs, and cheap scares. Ominous does not have any traces of that. If the folks at Dark Water keep this up they will definitely soars to higher places in the ever growing film industry. Indie film makers can learn alot from these folks. That acting on the other hand was sub-par to average. The freshest of actors in the movie was probably the work of
Sean Patrick Flaherty who played Gavin Callahan in the film who starred in other major roles such as (Daddy Day Camp, and The Grand.)

          All in all I give this film believe it or not a 8 out of Milton's 10.

Watch The Trailer Here:

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