Thursday, March 3, 2011

Drive Angry 3D

Drive Angry Review - 3/3/11

How to begin. I have no idea.

Whether it was the horribly written cliche lines or the characters the did not match or have any true relevance to the films story arc. If there was one at all. The film could have been written by a ten year old with a crayon. The film was basically hot women and action. I am not going to lie it is still fun to go out and see a bad movie every once and awhile with your friends to get a laugh. If you want that this is the one too see. This movie should have been advertised as a comedy and they would had of hit there target market. I will give you examples of why this is. Through out the film Milton (played by Nicholas Cage) thinks he is Elvis or at least Nick Cage does. There are Multiple scenes where he stands there for seconds at a time staring at a distance with his arms out like a constipated monkey. It is probably one of the most funny things I have ever scene. Another example of it being more comedic that whatever genre Drive Angry is supposed to be. Is the aftermath of the sex/action scene. In this scene Nicholas cage is having sex with some woman who was basically just thrown in there. then dozens of cult members break into his hotel room and start shooting toward him he begins to kill them one by one while still having sex. After wards the woman he had sex with was in shock and covered in a blanket speaking with the police. She said quote on quote "We were Fucking! He killed them while we were fucking!!" After that line was muttered the entire audience, I mean the six people in the theater began to laugh. It was hilarious.

                If you want to see a good movie please don't go see this especially since it is a higher rate because of the 3D charge. I must not lie I like Nicholas Cage but not his last few movies. It makes me wonder what the hell happened to his carrer!!!! HE was a great actor and in great blockbuster movies. My hopes are that he begins to make better movie selections as an actor and get back into what he does best. True deep characters that make you feel for them. That is why I don't give up on him and see all of his movies.

All in all. I Give this movie 1 1/2 stars out of 5

Watch The Trailer Here:

1 comment:

  1. And I do realize that the movies he are currently in are blockbuster movies. I mean Good Blockbuster movies like Kick Ass.
